PLATON implementation of the STRUCTURE TIDY (Parthe & Gelato) program for the standardisation of Inorganic crystal structure data.
E.Parthe and L.M.Gelato (1984). Acta Cryst., A40, 169-183.
L.M.Gelato and E.Parthe (1987). J. Appl. Cryst. 20, 139-143.
S-Z.Hu and E.Parthe (2004). Chinese J. Struct. Chem. 23, 1150-1160.
1 - Embedded: In this mode Structure Tidy is both callable from the the PLATON main menu or with an instruction (STIDY) entered in the command window.
Input data can be supplied in SPF, RES or CIF format.
Example: Invoke platon compound_name.cif and click on 'StructureTidy.
Input data for SeEu compound in I4/mcm with listed out put on (ASCII) or (PostScript).
2 - Native: In this mode a data file structured following the Structure Tidy style should be provided.
Example Invoke platon -Y data.dat.
Alternatively, with a symbolic link of 'stidy' to the platon executable: invoke stidy data.dat.
Note: Invocation with a .res, .cif or .spf structured file will generate a .sty styled file suitable to be run in the native mode (possibly edited).